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PictureBook Publishing
PictureBook Publishing grew from the idea that after many years of illustrating other authors' manuscripts, it was time for me to write, illustrate and publish my own stories for children. Sometimes I even work with other authors and illustrate and publish their stories.
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Jungle Jazz by Jo van Dam
and Deborah Hinde
With it's rollicking upbeat tone and funky sounds, young readers will be in stitches as they watch snake - envious as he watches the band play - search for a way to join in.
But what can Snake do? He can't sing along to a tune or a song. He can't even hum, or bang on a drum! And when he does find a solution to his problem, is it the right one? A fulfilled story about longing and belonging, the joy of music and the greater joy of friendship.
T is for tuatara:
Amazing animals from A to Z
by Jo van Dam and Deb Hinde
Tuatara Tia has a birthday in a week,
She's turning ninety-seven,
so her friends have planned a feast ...
Twenty-six more delightful silly ditties from the author of the popular Doggy Ditties form A to Z.
This time inspiration comes from the weird and wonderful creatures from all over the globe, beginning with aardvark and ending in zebu, with a selection of crazy birds, reptiles, mammals and fish.
Enough A story about community
by Sarah Johnson and
Deborah Hinde
Nearly enough,
sort of enough,
almost enough ...
In Hana's street there is not enough. Until Hana decides to do something about it. Although Hana's attempts to help in the beginning are successful, when winter comes, the hardship, she is unable to meet everyone's needs. At the point where she despairs, her family and the neighbours she has helped step in and offer to give her a hand.
Scary Tales: Rhymes for Brave Children
by Judi Billcliff and Deb Hinde
Scary Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With wailing moans
And rattling bones
All hanging in a row.
Gorgeously illustrated Scary Tales is packed with slightly scary nursery rhymes that are sure to delight children of all ages. And to top it off there's a Did you know? Ghastly Jokes and Activities section, where children can learn interesting facts about the characters featured in the rhymes.
Sleep Little Kiwi, Sleep
by Deborah Hinde
Tui farewells the day with a song,
as the sleepy sun tiptoes away.
Darkness settles softly.
Birds close their eyes.
All is quiet.
All is still.
Little Kiwi ventures out in search of kai. But he must be careful - Little Kiwi isn't the only one awake in the night forest. A perfect story for bedtime about the creatures of the night.
Hollybee Hope wants a
Prickly Coat
by Deborah Hinde
Hollybee Hope is a hedgehog with a prickly problem ... she doesn't have any spines! But Hollybee wants a prickly coat, and she want's it now. So, she takes matters into her own hands, with humorous, and at times dangerous results.
Hollybee Hope wants a Prickly Coat is a story of self-acceptance, of learning to see being different is an advantage rather than a set-back. It is also a story of friendship - the type of friendship you would sacrifice something special for.
Hare by Deborah Hinde
Join Hare - a loveable, scatter-brained, unlikely hero - as he hunts for something he's lost.
Is it big or small? Is it spiky or soft? Round, square, black, white, silly, smart? Hare's friends group together to help him find what he's missing. But first they have to work out exactly what he's lost.